lauantai 27. elokuuta 2011

She's a siren, hearing voices that I can't explain


My nails last week

Bought some new nailpolish, they were 2€ each

And new bag from flea market 2€

Playing with makeup :d
I love doing makeup but everytime i go somewhere i always wear same fucking makeup huh..

I freaking L-O-V-E these shoes! It was love at first sight when i saw these in flea market!
I usually dont ever find any shoes that fit perfectly to my feet but those are just heaven!

And random stuff i bought from flea market, that black/pink zebra print t-shirt was just 70cent
Reeker movie 5€, i loooove horror movies! Nailpolish was 1€ i think and those classic playing cards were 1€ each. I dont remember the rest.

I just had to buy this when i saw it aww, i love plushies! Haha i have so many plushies in my room but i just want to buy more and more :D It looks very small in picture but its actually pretty huge, love it! Bought it from Jysk, 10€.

I havent draw for like ages cause i just havent fell like it...and i was afraid to draw now cause i was wondering do i still got it, but yep i still have it i think haha :p

Yea well this post was just blablabla *picture* *picture* blabla, but what ever.. :)

tiistai 16. elokuuta 2011

Hey y'all (again)

So this is my third time when i start writing a blog! And i find it always hard to write you'r first post huh.. Yea well this time i thought that i'll write in english, but probably some posts are going to be in ''moonspeak'' (Finnish) cause theres these days when my brains just don't work in english haha. for starters i maybe should introduce myself:

So you can call me Outi (real name), Ode or Odette. I'm from Finland living in city called Hyvinkää. My age is 18, in november i will turn 19 (gosh im old D:) and im single. And atm im not in school and i don't have a job.

I love parties, drawing, dancing, my friends, my family, energy drinks, animals, coca cola, singing, taking photos, listening music, drinking, everything that glitters, watching movies, talking, sleeping, playing games, shopping and stuff...

I really don't have interesting life and i know that almost every blogger says that but with me it's so true.. Because i dont have a job or go to school i have lots of lots of free time, actually my whole life is atm just free time and i really have become so lazy :( So i don't go outside everyday, i like more hanging inside having my pyjamas on. Yea so the point was that im not going to write here everyday or maybe not even every week, and when i write something i can say that their not gonna be always like where did i went or what did i bought when i was shopping and stuff like that what people normally write about..It's going to be more like photos what i've taken and drawings, paintings, thoughts and stuff like that.

Yea so there was my first lameass post and unfortunately theres many more to come :d